Assignments (COA)

 Computer Organization & Architecture - COA 

( 3340705 )

Practical and Solutions

1. Write a program in C Language to convert the binary numbers into decimal.
2. Write a program in C Language to convert decimal numbers into binary.
3. Design 2-bit Magnitude Comparator using Logisim
4. Design seven segment display circuit for given BCD number using Logisim
5. Design 4-bit ALU using Logisim
6. Write a brief report on 8085 microprocessor architecture.
7. Briefly explain the following 8085 data transfer instructions: MOV, MVI, LDA, STA. Also write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 that swaps content of two memory locations.
8. Briefly explain following 8085 arithmetic instructions: ADD, ADC, SUB, SBB, INR, DCR. Also write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 that performs addition and subtraction of given two 16 bit numbers.
9. Briefly explain following 8085 logical instructions: CMP, ANA, ORA, XRA, CMA, CMC, STC. Also write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 to find 1's and 2's complement of 8 bit number.
10. Briefly explain following 8085 shift instructions: RAL, RAR. Also write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 to multiply and divide 8 bit number by value 4.
11. Briefly explain following 8085 branch instructions: JMP, JC, JNC, JZ, JNZ, CALL, RET. Also write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 to find whether the given number is even or odd.
12. Write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 to transfer block of data (10 numbers) in reverse order.
13. Write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 to find the sum of 5 numbers stored consecutively in memory location
14. Write an assembly language code in gnusim8085 to find the factorial of a number.


Anonymous said...

Your work is very good, It is very helpful for me

Anonymous said...

Can you please add java assignment.

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